Install Adium Themes On Pidgin

To install the 'yahoo! V3' theme, you should download it using the link below, unzip files and place it into themes folder. That folder's location depends on OS you use. How to install the 'yahoo! V3' Pidgin theme.

  1. Make sure you do this, or else the package will be called 'Pidgin' and you can't install it since Pidgin is already installed. For easy installing Adium themes, we are going to use the same script we used for Empathy (credits: Antono Vasiljev, credits for the modifications: h!v user @
  2. Adium for Mac – University of California, San Diego Instructions for installing Adium for Mac for use with Download Pidgin for Windows Download the free Pidgin universal chat client for Windows Adium x windows Free Download – BrotherSoft Adium x windows Free Download,Adium x windows Software Collection Download Download Adium.
Active7 years, 9 months ago

I know I can't actually get Adium on Windows. Are there any Windows IM clients that at least support Adium styles, specifically Contact List Styles and Message Styles?

Pidgin is heart-breakingly close, but as far as I can tell, it's not there yet:

  • Pidgin-WebKit would be perfect, except it doesn't seem to compile on Windows.
  • adium2pidgin-themes converts Adium Xtras into Pidgin themes, but only supports sound, status, and emoticon theme types:

  • The Pidgin project is considering merging Pidgin-WebKit into Pidgin itself, but that sounds like a long way off:

    Most notably, we've been talking about merging the webkit integration branch into what will become 3.0.0. Eventually, this would allow the support of Adium's message styles, although it may not happen right away.

Install Adium Themes On Pidgin

So, are there any Windows IM clients that support Adium styles today?


2 Answers

I haven't had the time to test it out at all, but emescene supports windows, and apparently supports adium themes

from the changelogs on their site... for version 2.11.7

  • Plugins and themes can be loaded from ~/.config/emesene2/[plugins|themes]
  • Avatars for Google talk and Facebook
  • Mail access in Google talk
  • A new Windows installer
  • Unity launcher support
  • Fully supported Adium theme set. All the themes are now Adium style
  • Conversations don't close when the user is disconnected
  • Updated translations

Installing a adium theme seems to work with message styles, but i've not quite worked out how to use contact list styles yet.

Apparently instandbird appears to use adium style styles as well, but they may need to be repackaged.

Journeyman GeekJourneyman Geek
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If Pidgen isn't doing it for you, try Miranda or Trillian.

If you need assistance in using any of the software listed above, just post a comment, and I'll include all the information you need to know.

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Pidgin Themes Windows

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