Dataset Serialize Out Of Memory Exceptions

  1. C# Serialize Datatable
  2. Exception Out Of Memory
  3. Serialize Datatable To Json
  4. C# Serialize Dataset To Json

HOWEVER, when the data set contains one 10MB file, the datacontractserializer throws and out of memory exception when trying to deserialize the object on the client. Getting out of memory exception while serializing large data using NewtonSoft json serializer [Answered] RSS 3 replies Last post May 12, 2016 04:39 AM by Yohann Lu. If you are using a large data table and you are getting out of memory issues, it may well be that the size of the JSON string is just too big for.NET - there is a limit of 2GB on any single object in.NET, and since JSON is a text-based serialization a large table could well exceed that even if the 'raw' data table is considerably less than that.

Active5 years, 10 months ago

Out Of Memory Exception on DataAdapter.Fill(Dataset) Thread starter Pho3nix; Start. I had a scenario where I needed to populate a grid in the UI with very large datasets retrieved via a. There is an Asp:ObjectDataSource on the page which will go out and get the records. The EnableViewState of both the data source and grid are set to False. When users don't limit their search parameters and return 40,000+ records the page will usually fail and I will see an Out of Memory exception. Out Of Memory Exception on DataAdapter.Fill(Dataset) Thread starter Pho3nix; Start. I had a scenario where I needed to populate a grid in the UI with very large datasets retrieved via a.

I have millions of records in my database table which I am trying to store in a Data Set (I use Data set to create Lucene index.)

The problem is Data Set is not able to handle millions of records and it is giving me out of memory exception.

Can someone please suggest me an alternative to handle the out of memory exception keeping in mind my scenario.


C# Serialize Datatable

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Exception Out Of Memory


Serialize Datatable To Json

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C# Serialize Dataset To Json

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