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The hysteria and destruction created by asset bubbles have garnered widespread attention in recent years, resulting in a wealth of studies on these events from a range of disciplines. However, despite these efforts, we, as a diverse research community, have failed to predict, prevent, and even explain asset bubbles, while bouts of speculative mania continue to wreak havoc on the world’s economies. We argue that periods of intense market speculation are driven by narratives and narrative thought, and thus narrative research represents a promising alternative by which we may ultimately be able to crack the enigma of asset bubbles. In this article, we explain the core reasons behind this argument, outline a three-stage narrative perspective of asset bubble formation, and provide a research agenda for future narrative studies on these events.

Keywords asset bubbles, market speculation, narratives
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It is a real joy to work on something you feel passion for. We had the chance to combine our enthusiasm for artificial intelligence with the Enigma code, an algorithm that started the digital world as we know it. And we loved every minute of this project.

The 'About' selection from the command menu takes you to a screen with a button you can press to make a small payment to remove the advert displays; this payment includes a donation to the Bletchley Park Trust, dedicated to preserving the site where codebreakers including Alan Turing worked to crack the Enigma codes in World War II. Enigma Web Tv Serial Numbers. Convert Enigma Web Tv trail version to full software. Dec 30, 2016  ENIGMA’s settings offered approx. 158,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible solutions, yet the Allies were eventually able to crack its code. The machine was developed by the Dutch to communicate banking secrets. Convert Enigma Web Tv Trail Version To Full Software Serial Numbers. Convert Convert Enigma Web Tv Trail Version To Full Software trail version to full software. Enigma Web Tv Serial Numbers. Convert En Convert Enigma Web Tv Trail Version To F Tv Serial Numbers. Convert Tv Trail Vers Tv Serial Numbers. Convert Tv Trail Vers Convert Venti Tv Serial Number Trail Ver Convert Microsoft Expression Web 4 Activ Online Tv Anytime Serial Numbers. Conver Convert 1001bit Pro Tools Trail Version. Enigma Web Tv Serial Numbers. Convert En Convert Enigma Web Tv Trail Version To F Tv Serial Numbers. Convert Tv Trail Vers Tv Serial Numbers. Convert Tv Trail Vers Convert Venti Tv Serial Number Trail Ver Convert Microsoft Expression Web 4 Activ Online Tv Anytime Serial Numbers. Conver Convert 1001bit Pro Tools Trail Version.

What was Enigma?

The Enigma machines were electro-mechanical rotor cipher machines used by Germany and its allies during World War II. They were portable, looked like typewriters, and since they encoded messages' letters with an ever-changing polyalphabetic cipher, they were considered hack-proof and used as the primary communication system, transmitting orders and reports.

How hard was it to break the Enigma code in the 1940s?

Well... for a long time it was considered impossible. The idea behind the code was to have the original message and a password and to use these in combination to perform some very complex letter substitutions. The algorithm that organized the substitutions was so good that even if the enemy had captured both the machine and the encrypted message, they wouldn't be able to decode it without the password. In the 1930s, some European countries had captured Enigma machines and were actively listening to German broadcasts with encoded messages, but they couldn't decode them. Decoding the messages proved so difficult that the French intelligence gave the Polish a few captured machines for free - they didn't believe they could be used by any linguists to crack the code.

The French were right. The Polish applied a different strategy - they hired young, smart mathematicians, who came up with the idea of building automatons that mimicked the letter substitutions and tried all the possible variants of the password. First the Polish and then the British created bombes – as big as trucks metal racks, filled with buzzing rotors, where the passwords were tested. Since the number of possible combinations was very big, too big for the bombes to test them in any reasonable time, the mathematicians worked hard on limiting the password variants to a more manageable number - the British had better results here, putting to work minds like Turing and Church. Using machine speed and human intuition finally led to cracking the code, even for the most sophisticated U-boat (German submarine) type of Enigma. It is estimated that cracking the code saved the lives of 14 to 21 million people and shortened the war by two years.

Also, as a side effect of this cooperation, Turing and Church de facto started the digital revolution - now students of computer science learn about the Church–Turing thesis, the Turing machine, or Church's lambda calculus.

As you can imagine, knowing the history and importance of the Enigma code, cracking it with current technology was something we just couldn't pass on.

Can Artificial Intelligence beat Turing and Church?

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That's probably not a fair question, because today's AI is very far from the ingenuity of Turing and Church - but maybe it's intelligent enough so that, in combination with the current technology, it could get the job done. We might use a relatively simple AI, but leverage it with the sheer speed of our computers.

First, we taught the artificial intelligence to recognize the German language - we fed it Grimm’s fairytales, and after long hours of contemplating them continuously, it started to be more and more confident in its classification.

Second, we chose the most sophisticated version of Enigma (4 rotors navy type, 1 pair of plugs, which gave us a whopping 15,354,393,600 password variants) and wrote a simulator of its behavior. Also, we asked it to test all possible combinations of the password - practically recreating the bombe the Polish and British used, the only difference being we didn't limit the number of passwords - we focused on speed, hoping for the best.

We connected the output of this bomb to our artificial intelligence, so if the simulator, testing all possible password combinations, was sending something resembling the German language, the artificial intelligence was signaling it as a properly decoded message.

I still remember when we ran the whole project for the first time... After a few minutes, two things became apparent. The good news was, the project was working like a charm; the Enigma simulator was testing the combinations, and the artificial intelligence was classifying the decrypted messages. The bad news was, it would have taken 2 weeks to find the password.

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How to shrink 2 weeks to 19 minutes

Enigma code is a complex system, and encoding (or decoding) the message takes time. Also, checking if the decrypted message is German takes time. Normally, you wouldn't notice it, but when you have billions of possible passwords to try, it all adds up to days.

We needed to shrink that time by a factor of 1000 at least. Now, a few years ago, this wouldn't be easy, but nowadays, you can hire computers not for months, but for hours, minutes, or even seconds... If our computer would have needed 2 weeks to go through all the possible combinations, if we spread the load onto 1000 machines, this could have been done in less than an hour!

There are a few datacenters where you can hire machines and pay by an hour. We contacted DigitalOcean and asked if we could spin our project on 1000 of their virtual servers. They gave us the green light, we prepared a parallel version of our bombe, and... it worked! The whole thing finished in 19 minutes, resulting in 13 million combinations tested per second. Thanks a million, DigitalOcean :)

So... can you use AI to break any code now?

Probably the question people have on their minds now is: 'But... is my money safe in banks?'

Putting aside all the confirmed and unconfirmed stories of what the big guys like NSA can and can't do, the canonical answer is this:

Our version of Enigma had 15,354,393,600 combinations, and in a binary system you would need only 34 digits to store all the possible passwords. The bank systems usually use at least 128 digits keys (passwords) - so even if you can test a quintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000) combinations per second, it still would take more than a trillion (1,000,000,000,000) years to crack the code. The worried wealthy can sleep peacefully.

Well, since we're talking about money... How much did it cost to rent 1000 servers for an hour?


Yes, $7.

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In comparison, it's estimated that the British bombe cost more than half a million pounds (in today’s money). Long live parallel computing!

PS. If you're interested in the more technical aspect of this project, you can read the details here:

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