To split the document and then reorder the page back to their natural order there's a handy option you can select: Repaginate from booklet scan. Example: You scanned a book by taking out the middle ligature clips and feeding the double pages into a scanner. In the scanned PDF, the pages are in the following order: 12, 1, 2, 11, 10, 3, 4, 9 and so forth, for a 12 pages document. Split Pdf Page In Half in title. PDF Content Splitter Information Management - Book Collection Managers, Freeware, $0.00, 4.0 MB. Boxoft PDF PageCut. In this video tutorial, I'll show you How you can split a two sided scanned pdf pages from middle so that both left hand side pages and right hand side pages will get separated in two pages.
I have a one page PDF file with scanned documents. I need to send only top half of this document to someone. How can I generate a new PDF document with only the top half of the original page, without losing details?
slm♦5 Answers
How To Print a Selected Portion of a PDF File
Using the native Adobe Acrobat Reader
Make sure the basic toolbar is visible by right clicking on a blank area of the toolbar, and placing a check mark next to Basic if it is not already enabled.
Find the 'Snapshot Tool' on the Basic toolbar and select it.
Drag a box around the area you want to print. A message will alert you that the selection has been copied to the clipboard. Click OK and you will see a dashed line around the area you just selected.
Click Print.
In the print dialog, set the print rage to 'Selected graphic.'
If you want to print the selection at its intended size, set Page Scaling to 'None.'
If you want the selection to fill the paper, set the page scaling to 'Fit to paper.' You may need to check the 'Auto-Rotate and Center' check box to maximize paper usage.
When you are satisfied with the preview, click OK to print the document.
slm♦slmIf you only need to do this once and for a single page, I would just open the PDF with GIMP and copy the top half:
That will bring up a screen asking you to chose the pages you want to import:
Import the 1st page, then simply use GIMP to select and cut the region you are interested in, paste it as a new image and export to PDF again.
terdon♦terdonAdobe Pdf Split Page In Half Pdf
That's half of un2up
(modulo a rotation). So, with Python and its pyPdf
Using pyPdf 1.13
#!/usr/bin/env python
import copy, sys from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReaderinput = PdfFileReader(sys.stdin)output = PdfFileWriter()for p in [input.getPage(i) for i in range(0,input.getNumPages())]: q = copy.copy(p) (w, h) = p.mediaBox.upperRight p.mediaBox.upperRight = (w, h/2) q.mediaBox.lowerRight = (w, h/2) output.addPage(p) output.addPage(q)output.write(sys.stdout)
Because pyPdf is abandoned, I updated this to use the PyPDF2 fork which is officially encouraged
Html Split Page In Half
This page is no longer updated. I've stopped maintaining pyPdf, and a company named Phaseit has forked the project and continued development and maintenance with my blessing as pyPdf2 (
Furthermore, since I wanted to wrap it in a shell script I used command-line arguments.